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"Read the book!"
Major Max Sturge served for 41 years as a passionate teacher, preacher and officer in The Salvation Army, including 27 years in corps ministry and six years teaching biblical studies and theology at the College for Officer Training in St. John’s, N.L. His first book, Miraculous Healing (2015), explored the perplexing questions of suffering and God’s intervention in our world. Through Road to Redemption, Max aims to further enhance people’s knowledge and appreciation of the Bible and its Author.
There are occasions when you read something and you say, “I wish I had written that.” Road to Redemption convicted me again of the truth of Scripture, convinced me even more regarding God’s longing to rescue a broken world, and compelled me to do my part in that global mission.
—General Brian Peddle, International Leader of The Salvation Army
Road to Redemption is an excellent study guide, which meets an important need in the church.
A wonderful piece of work.
—Dr. Yau Man Siew, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto
Living Right While Righting Wrong
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CPS is offering an additional one-time enrollment bonus of 1% of your total purchase for any ministry units that enroll on the program as of January 1, 2024. If your ministry unit has not joined the program yet, it will be an opportunity for your ministry unit to learn an additional 1% cash rebate on top of the 3% regular rebate.
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We are pleased to present to you our Others catalogue 2024. In the catalogue you will find products that are available exclusively in our store, but please note that some products are in limited quantities. Remember, by purchasing these products, you are contributing to the creation of fairly compensated work for people who would otherwise have limited opportunities.