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William Booth, Founder of The Salvation Army, described himself as ‘a child’ of Methodism … born and cradled in Methodism’. In this year’s editions, Words of Life will explore aspects of Booth’s Methodist spiritual heritage – in particular, the themes of ‘Justice’, ‘Mercy’, ‘Truth’.

These qualities are how the 18th-century Methodist leader John Wesley described the moral character of God. They were also Wesley’s understanding of how Christians should live out holiness.

During 2023, each edition of Words of Life will be authored by teams of different writers. To start, six officers from the USA Eastern Territory explore and present their perceptions of justice, mercy and truth. They bring their cultural awareness, ministry experience and biblical inspiration to the daily devotions.

The guest writers of this edition’s Easter series are Majors Rob and Stacy Birks from the USA Western Territory. They look at ‘People of the Passion’.