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The American Instrumental Ensemble Series, designed originally for Salvation Army brass ensembles, is an annual, “flex- scored” publication, offering complete versatility in regards to size of the ensemble, instrumentation, and part assignments. With four primary parts, an optional 5th part, two optional percussion parts and a keyboard part for further support, arrangements can be used by groups as small as a quartet or quintet or as large as a full orchestra. With “flex-scored” instrumentation, any combination of brass, woodwind, or string instruments can be used. Editorial suggestions for adding color for larger brass ensembles are included, but directors are encouraged to use their discretion to add variety and color to any ensemble. For example, an orchestra director may choose to use brass, string, and woodwind sections separately or in different combinations thereby adding texture and changing the tonal palette within a piece. With such versatility, a director can perform works multiple times with various groups but with a fresh, new, and exciting sound each time.