Guest of the Soul


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    It is with exceptional pleasure that, on the eve of my retirement from the position of General of The Salvation Army, I welcome the publication of another book by our veteran Holiness Apostle, Commissioner Brengle, whose writings for many years have spread blessing far beyond the confines of The Army.

    This small volume contains some of the gems of the Commissioner’s thought and experience. All but one of the papers have been written in the author’s ripe old age; and in his spirit the “seventy summers to which he refers in his Birthday retrospect are truly far more evident than the “seventy winters.”

    These choice contributions to the growing treasury of Salvation Army literature will be valued in all parts of the world. They will, I am sure, serve to strengthen the faith of the readers of this book, and impress upon them the joyousness of life when the heart has been opened to the Holy Guest of the Soul.

    Those tens of thousands who during the past year have read and been stirred by the splendid biography of the Commissioner– who, fortunately, is still with us — will particularly appreciate the reproduction in this volume of the notable address on “The Atonement,” repeatedly mentioned in the life-story. Here, indeed, is rich food for thought. I am sure that at the end of this study of the mystery of our Lord’s sacrifice of love many a reader will bow his head in adoration and exclaim: My Lord and my God!

    We all thank Commissioner Brengle for this book, and with him I trust that it will lead to the saving and sanctifying of many souls.

    Weight 0.503 kg